4-Day Workweek
In a fast and everchanging world we constantly need to be innovative and ready for change – to remain an outstanding company and workplace and to be able to attract future talent. With this in mind, in 2022, we initiated a global 4-day workweek project.
For our employees, this equals more free time to spend with loved ones, time for hobbies, or diving into new learning opportunities.

From an organisational point of view, we strive to become more efficient and stay profitable and focused without compromising our culture and values: passion, positivity, and integrity. At PanzerGlass®, the 4-day workweek is not the end goal - it is a means to a healthy work-life balance, among other things. It is hard changing habits, we know. Therefore, we take small steps on our 4-day workweek transformation, implementing one tool at a time. It is a gift we give each other.